Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Damnit (and oh yes Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit)

Most shoulder problems fall into four major categories:
  • Tendon inflammation (bursitis or tendinitis) or tendon tear
  • Instability
  • Arthritis
  • Fracture (broken bone)

Followers of this blog will know that I recently had a fall.  You may also know that I have been having pain in my arm and shoulder.  And that I had an MRI. (shouldn't that be "a MRI"?  "an" sounds better in my head) - Tuesday I went to see my Dr. to find out what was happening.  I seem to have major arthritis not only is the rotator cuff involved but the ball and socket joint is deteriorating.  I also have some pulled tendons from the fall.  So the saga continues with a trip to the Orthopedist to see what he can do and physical therapy.  Such fun getting old.  So it still hurts to type and I don't much feel like commenting on anything.  So enjoy this cartoon which is too good to wait until Friday and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Colby said...

I've always wondered about "a" vs. "an" when writing an acronym in a sentence. It sounds better in my head too. I think it is because if you say "M", it's really the equivalent to saying/writing "em" which starts with a vowel so it sounds like it calls for an "an". I don't know which way is correct though.

The security camera joke is pretty good.