Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pelicans by Bob

A flock of Pelicans swirled over and flirted with the lake waters at Ada Hayden Park this afternoon, but for some reason they decided not to drop in and land. A smaller portion of the flock broke away for a time and I captured them as you see here. I am reminded of the ONLY poem my father ever memorized and when he told it to me, it was always with a grin.

A remarkable bird is the Pelican,
His bill can hold more than his belly can,
But I don't know how in the hell it can!


BentonQuest said...

I guess I never realized we had pelicans in Iowa.

Dianne said...

I love their formation!

Anonymous said...

This is the one I always told to my sons (or anyone who would listen):
A wonderful bird is the pelican
His beak will hold more than his belican.
He can take in his beak Food enough for a week,
But I'm danmed if I see how the helican
Dixon Lanire Merrith - "The Pelican"(1910)
P.S.: I counted 39 at our 16th Street Basin this summer.Beautiful!