Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Thoughts

From One Mountain, Many Paths
An American Freemason Speaks Out for Peace
by Dr. Patrick Swift
Click book or here to go to the page and buy it for yourself,

Patrick has added a beautiful video to his site. I recommend you go and watch it.

This week I found:

In a multitude, there must be a bond of union. Thus after multitude Union follows.

I Ching 8: B1

And on the page opposite:

He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks, nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!

Isaiah: 2: 4-5
Judaism & Christianity

When I read these two quote this morning I thought about our country first and then about our world. Our country right now is undergoing a political "time" (when aren't we?) and there are ads on the television attacking the other party. The entire nation seems to be at odds with one another about the way we want our country to be run. The problems are magnified because the economic problems seem to be insurmountable and many are worried about our futures.

What gets me and what always gets me is the way these people can treat each other on the public stage, posturing and preening trying to pull themselves up by putting others down (something that is impossible to do) and yet seemingly remain friends when "off stage" - I am pretty much a black and white person. If you mistreat me or lie to me or swear at me I am apt to write you off. I can't be real "friends" with someone who has done that. And yet politicians seem to work together and remain friends outside of politics.

I guess I can understand it in a way as I have many friends who do not see the political problems of our country in the same way I do and yet remain my friend. However when it gets personal I have a much harder time with it.

I do not understand the hatred which is prevalent in our society and in the world. I can understand why other people in other countries can be mad and angry at the United States and why they want to strike out at us. I cannot understand attacking innocents as was done on 9-11 or as is done when we bomb civilian targets. This is just wrong in my opinion and I do not think I shall ever understand it.

Yesterday I was involved in the formation of a new masonic group here in Iowa. When the meeting ended a Chain of Union was formed.
The chain of union reminds us of the indissoluble chain of sincere affection which unites us all, the high and low, the rich and the poor into one society or band of brothers. ... It indicates that we are all links belonging to the same chain.
It was an impressive short ceremony which reminds the Mason that we "meet upon the level" - In freemasonry and in religion we have many instances where we are reminded of who we are and how to treat each other. I am so grateful for the fraternity and the friends I have mad through it. I wish mankind could understand what we are about and work with us to form that Union which comes after multitude. Thanks for listening. Hugs, j

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