Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday, Sunday

This is the radar on the screen right now. It is 6:50 PM and I have just finished my Black Market Reuben Pizza supper and am watching the Iowa/Iowa State wrestling on TV waiting for the snow to get here. The picture looks like a giant dragon with its jaws open waiting to devour Des Moines and Ames. The weatherman says we could get up to 4 inches. I am not worried I finally found the paper for my snow removal guy and called him and signed up. It had been buried on the kitchen table I use as a desk. My desk in the office is falling apart and I really don't go back there much, I need to clean up and throw away, If anybody wants to come and help I will be glad to supply the booze while we work. I will need to do it before I turn over all of the material for the Arcadia Lodge Secretary sometime after the next week-end.

Things have settled down and I don't have a lot of activities on the horizon so maybe I can get caught up. Actually I am disappointed because of a cancellation but that is the way things go. Next week there is an Installation for the Scottish Rite, a Holiday Party for Arcadia Lodge and I am going to go to Sioux City to see their KCCH Investiture.

Miles went nuts this afternoon. He generally does not bark but this afternoon while I was on the phone he started barking and barking. I thought for a minute that someone had come in the house but finally figured out that Bailey's Soccer Ball (the big blue one in the banner above) was in the hallway and he saw it and evidently got spooked by it. He finally quit after I got up and moved the ball. It would not have been so bad except I was on the phone. Crazy dog. There is not really much else to report. Right now the reconnection with former students is the highlight of the week and of course the puppies make me happy. Have a good week and thanks for stopping by. Hugs, j

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