Friday, December 4, 2009


As always click on the button to see the guidelines. And don't forget to go to Raven's Nest to see all the others.

This week's words are: edge, haven, sunglasses, sprightly, telling, frazzled, juicy, quartet, tied, necklace

And for the mini: bees, crackling, wooden, staple, earful

Sallyie and Phrog returned from their vacation and got an earful from Saydie. She told them about how the Magic Parrot had returned from being "liberated" because it turned out the Parrot Liberation Squad was a front for an eating establishment which served parrot as a staple on the menu.

He had returned after escaping from the wooden, cage they were keeping him in when he heard the fire crackling to boil the water for parrot soup. The bees helped him by forming a necklace around the leader of the "squad" and scaring him. He thought that he had tied, up the parrot but it turned out that he had not.

The parrot had been a member of a barbershop quartet and he thought that was the reason the bees had helped him. He used to sing some racy juicy, songs and they appreciated them.

Saydie's nerves were frazzled with the telling of the story and her usual sprightly step was dragging. She put on her sunglasses so that the bags under her eyes would not show and told Phrog that she had sent the parrot off to a safe haven at the edge of the world.

Words for next week's 10-word challenge are: sugar, mortgage, logical, roller skates, outlandish, Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, cummerbund, unexpected, photo album, scarecrow

And for the mini:
tomatoes, turtles, basement apartment, circumference, make my day


Argent said...

Ha! It seems the PLS's motives were not as pure as they seemed then. I always thought bees were smarter than they let on. I just hope the edge of the world is safe enough.

Argent said...

Ha! It seems the PLS's motives were not as pure as they seemed then. I always thought bees were smarter than they let on. I just hope the edge of the world is safe enough.

Raven said...

My goodness, that parrot leads an interesting life. I love your "cats were worshipped..." on the side bar. Too true.