Monday, April 19, 2010

Oklahoma City Bombing - 15 years later

Last summer I was in Oklahoma City for the Red Cross of Constantine meetings. I took an afternoon to visit the site of the Oklahoma City Bombings. Today marks the 15th anniversary of that terrorist bombing.

I did not write about my feelings that day because they were so personal. To be there where this horrible event took place moved me more that I can say. I remember hearing about it on Television but it was not the same. Standing there where it happened and seeing the memorial with its silent testimonials and remembrances that people put on the fence outside the memorial was very emotional.

I cannot understand how someone could perform such an act.

You can read a moving editorial here.

Today the site has been transformed into a touching memorial I can still remember sitting under the tree that survived the blast and still has pieces of the blast embedded in it.. It is called the Survivor Tree and the Memorial Web Site describes it:

The Survivor Tree, an American Elm, bore witness to the violence of April 19, 1995, and withstood the full force of the attack. Years later, it continues to stand as a living symbol of resilience. The circular promontory surrounding the tree offers a place for gathering and viewing the Memorial.

As I sat there I was moved by the quiet and silence. Even the Park Ranger spoke with a subdued, reverent tone. I almost did not go to visit this site. I am glad I did. Today I am remembering this event and send my thoughts to all those affected by this tragedy. When you think about it whether or not we are aware of it we were all affected by it. Take a moment today to pause and send your thoughts to those still recovering from the Oklahoma City bombing.

CNN - 15 years later victims, residents remember.



DonM said...

So the Survivor Tree is a double survivor. American Elms were nearly wiped out years ago by a natural terrorist, Dutch Elm Disease. said...

I realized that when I was putting the post up. I remember the elms and miss them. They are such majestic trees.

Mike said...

Thanks for the heartfelt post Jay.

Ur-spo said...

If Tim V were alive today, would he be in this Tea Party movment? I think so.