Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I worked at the Scottish Rite today and so I didn't get much time to Blog. Don't have much to say anyway. I am (as I said earlier) running in a "down" mode. I don't know why this happens but I get my feelings hurt and then I sort of curl up in my "mancave' and lick my wounds and feel sorry for myself. Talking it out doesn't help much either because the feelings are sort of like these two pictures I took on the way home from work.
Sort of like the world is giving me the finger. But that is stupid. I had an offer to talk about it on the telephone but you know, I truly hate the telephone. I love my Palm Pre but not to call and talk to people. My mother could talk on the telephone for hours. She would drop everything and run to the telephone anytime it rang. Most of the time I prefer to use the phone to call someplace to make appointments or to check on something. I do not like to just visit on the phone. I find that many times it is an intrusion. The phone is just not something I enjoy talking on. I prefer to go out to dinner with one or two people and have a good face to face so that I can see the persons face and maybe get a hug or two. I really like hugs and don't get very many of them.

Tonight I had Eastern Star and we had initiation. The daughter of our Worthy Matron joined our Chapter. She is a fourth generation member of the Order.....as am I. My great grandmother, grandmother and mother and I all belonged to Laura Chapter and all of them served as Worthy Matron and I was Worthy Patron (nine times) I really enjoy the friendships from Star,

Because of a mix-up there was no refreshment committee...and we had guests. So I slipped out during the initiation. I am the Sentinel and am outside the door so I quickly ran to HyVee and purchased a carrot cake, a red cake and a fruit pizza and some chocolates. I made the coffee, lemonade and also had some diet green tea. There were no decorations on the table but no one seemed to mind. Everybody seemed grateful that I had gotten them something. After all OES stands for Order of the Eating Sisters. We used to eat the treats after star and then go to a restaurant and take over the place and eat some more. Those were the days.

Thanks for stopping by. The boys got me up at 6:00 this morning and I am tired so I will cut this short and go to bed. Hopefully I will get a lot done tomorrow and I will get myself out of this blue funk. j

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