Monday, March 4, 2013

Molly on Monday

Molly here,

B. G. did not take many pictures this week.  His camera messed up. For some reason something called the Memory Card got full and even though he emptied it it still said "Memory full"  We can't figure it out.  


He got a movie of me playing with my new toy. It is really not a toy and I do not know where I found it but it is soft and I can tear it apart and make a mess so it makes me happy.
 B. G, didn't even mind the mess -  He just took a movie of me and cleaned up the mess later.  To be honest I like a mess. I leave my "stuff" all over the place.

B G has to watch were he walks.  Tee Hee!

 He also found me chasing Cassie.  We went at it for quite awhile and the best part was before he started filming.

Cassie was in the mood to play and so was I.  She batted my nose around and jumped on the chair and then hid under the walnut chest.
The other day Cassie woke us all up around 4:00 A M!  She was chasing a small furry creature called a mouse.  B G was not upset because he has seen them before. In fact he used to have somebody called Termanix come by to get rid of them.  They didn't do much and kept coming back and charging more and more money so he cancelled them.  This time he went out on the Internets to find someone else.  He found a place called Preferred Pest Management who came right out in the snow and went all around the house looking for places the mice could come in.  He sealed them and looked in the basement to see about the traps that the other guy had put in.  They were just sitting down there having caught nothing.  Well anyway hopefully this time they won't come back.

B G. made some movies. Hope you like them.  Woof!


kenju said...

Your Molly is the spitting image of ours. They could be twins.

Ur-spo said...

I love my Molly

Rick said...

Molly looks like my Sable's brother Spike. What a cutie!