Sunday, March 17, 2013

Two Men named Francis

 With all the talk about the new Pope and his choice of a name and his work with the poor I was reminded of this scene from the movie Brother Sun, Sister Moon. It is too bad that they cut the scene short after the "Princes of the Church" saw the wily Pope kneel to kiss Francis' feet. They were shocked and one of them after hearing Francis quote the words of Jesus said to his neighbor "Blasphemy" - His fellow "Prince shusshed him and said "Silence, he will bring the poor to us." Pretty powerful. Shows the hypocrisy still present in many of the hierarchy of today.

I remember reading a novel years ago where a newly elected Pope gave away all the Vatican riches and fed the poor.  Not likely to happen.  What do you think?

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

I love this!
Believe it - when I see this every month or so, when I need cheering up.