Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fall is coming to Iowa - Photos by Bob Kelly

After recovering from a flood that caused major inconvenience to my office area, I am now up and running again, nearly at 90% at this time. So much so I felt compelled to go out and shoot on Sunday afternoon. I wanted to shoot some images of corn rows, which are so pretty by this time, which I did, and I ended up at a marshland swamp, of all places. I thought I had been through enough of water, but this water produced beautiful things as you can see below.

The corn leaves are now turning from green to gold as the plant dries out and prepares the ears of corn for harvest. The tassles still remain which make for interesting lines as the rows curve or to up hills. Soon the grain bin will be holding the corn in this field.

The south east part of Hamilton county has many marshlands that are beautiful all seasons of the year and today I observed three unique flowers and some colorful turtles. The Swamp Smartweed likes to grow in very wet places and is a beautiful hot pink color. The Broad Leafed Arrowhead, has arrowhead shaped leaves and delicate white flowers with yellow centers, and loves to grow in wet, boggy, or swampy areas, keeping its feet wet, all the time. The beautiful blue flower is a Great Lobelia, and likewise is at home in the swamp areas and this time of year it puts on a good show.

The Painted Turtle has some bright colors as it matures, particularly on the underside of its body, and the inside areas of its shell that are visible. These guys were loving the warmth of the sun as they crawled up on a small clump of reeds. Fall promises to be beautiful and color and these scenes from today are a preview of what is coming. Enjoy!


kenju said...

LOVE those turtles!!

Ur-spo said...

I miss the autumn in the Midwest. I knew it was coming when I heard the crickets singing in the late afternoon and twilight hours. I am purposely going to Wisconsin next month hoping to see some fall color.