Tuesday, August 31, 2010


It has been 4 sad days but this morning I got up to let the dogs out for their morning pee at 5:30. As I have been doing for several days I opened the garage door to check to see if she was back and there she was meowing loudly. Her collar was still on her and she didn't have a mark on her.

Cassie's birthday is tomorrow. I think she is going to be 12. I am so grateful. She ate some food, drank some water and has now gone to her bed for some sleep. Please say a prayer of gratitude with me.


Dianne said...

this is wonderful news!!
and not a scratch on her

I was so worried and could not stop thinking about her - and you

I am so very glad

DonM said...

Those #$%^&* cats and their 9+ lives. About five years ago, one of our cats sneaked out the door. This was a youngish cat that we had adopted. It was highly skittish, afraid of its own shadow, and afraid of the outside, so I have no idea why it went out. But it did.

Now this was a neutered, declawed cat, so it was pretty helpless outside. And this was in December, when a cold front had just gone through. I think it was well below 20 degrees the whole time he was gone.

We walked around the neighborhood, rattling a food dish, for several hours, before giving up. Since this cat was so skittish, afraid of everybody it didn't know, I was pretty certain that it would not go into someone elses house, or let anyone else near it, so I figured he was a goner.

It was a week later that I opened up the garage door to get the car out, and I heard a plaintive meow! Now this cat had a very distinctive meow, so I knew instantly that it was him. So I called him, and he came running. He was dirty as all get out and had lost a good bit of weight, but seemed totally unharmed otherwise.

What a good feeling to have him back. I know that Carol and I both were pretty down in the dumps the whole week, imagining all the bad things that had or could happen to him. So I kinda know how you feel now. Good to hear that Cassie is back.

BTW, he was totally black and looked just like Cassie.