Monday, August 2, 2010

Miles on Monday

Addendum. The top photos were added after I picked up His Highness at the Groomers. He still likes to drive home.

I let him out but all he wanted to do was go back in. He doesn't like the wet ground.

Miles was out at the same time and all they wanted to do was wait at the door.

Aren't they beautiful?

This photo is out of focus and sort of surreal but I do like it. He was coming to be petted.
I had to take Bailey to the groomer this morning and when I am gone Miles waits in here. He never minds going in and just walks in patiently and lays down. He is always glad to get out but is a very well behaved dog.
This is new. I won't let him jump up on the foot rest of the recliner so he comes around and puts his head on my arm and then tries to climb up from the side. (sometimes I let him)
Toys don't last very long so he has an old plastic dog dish to play with. I must comment on the run in the middle of the floor. While I was in taking a shower the other day Miles got a roll of $1 coins off the antique table where I keep the antique lamp and the cut glass bowl and took it to the center of the room and chewed the roll and then went right on through the carpet so I had a rather large hole in the center of the room. Jon came over and repaired it but I still have the carpet person coming out to see if it was done well enough to last before I move the carpet and now Miles goes in the cage when I shower. He is still a puppy.
So here he is with the bowl --- focus jay.
And he brings it up for me to throw. He does have balls to throw.

And the cloth hanging down from the small end table? That is a pillow case which he decided to make into a chew toy. Came out dragging it and it has a small hole in it. Just Miles being Miles. We will play tug with it I am sure. See how big he is. When he stands there I cannot use the remote for the DVR box. Such fun. I yell at him to move and he just stares at me to say WTF? Thanks for stopping by. Hugs, j

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