Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New Wedge Issue

NPR has this story up today about Christians not wanting a Mosque in Tennessee.

I read this quote in a story yesterday

I am a liberal, progressive, secularized American Muslim. But when I see that bigotry against my faith — my very identity — has become so commonplace in America that it is shaping into a wedge issue for the midterm elections, I can barely control my anger.

I can't imagine how the next generation of American Muslim youth will react to such provocations. I pray that we never find out.

Reza Aslan is a contributing editor at The Daily Beast. He is the author of No God But God and Beyond Fundamentalism.

Read here.

I have been thinking that perhaps the Republican (Tea) party has decided that so many people no longer care about whether or not gays get married and they need a new wedge issue. They have focused their hatred on Islamic people..

This is indeed a sad thing. Most Muslims just want to peacefully co-exist with all of us, just as most Christians aren't represented by these people. Fundamentalists of any religion really do scare me.

Because they can't love they have to have something to hate.


Dianne over at Forks Off the Moment has this take on the issue...We Need More Practice.

John just sent me this from Frank Rich who asks:

How do you win Muslim hearts and minds in Kandahar when you are calling Muslims every filthy name in the book in New York?

1 comment:

Dianne said...

fundamental anything scares me as well
thank you for the link
I struggled to write a serious, calm post since I am so furious about this
I am glad I did since in the end I still hope that clear thoughtful minds will prevail