Sunday, January 2, 2011

7 Billion!

What does this mean to you?  We can have a global conversation about this.  I have readers from around the world.  All comments will be accepted except for Spam comments who just want to advertised.  I am 69 years old.  I am not going be be around forever but those who are here what should be done.  China has a one-child policy.  What about balance?  What can be done?  This is the first time I have opened up for a discussion of this nature. Let's see what happens.


Anna said...

I read the article that this video is based on in the magazine. It seems to me that the problem is not one of too many people but of population densities being very high in certain areas. In the magazine, it says that if all 7 billion people were put shoulder to shoulder, they'd fill a space roughly the size of Los Angeles. If they were given 6 feet of space in every direction they'd fill the entire state of Rhode Island (including its ocean area).

Consumption may be our main problem. However, we have ways to get around food shortages (Norman Borlaug is famous for the genetic things he did with wheat) and we have ways to get around other shortages (ie walking instead of driving).

If I understood the article correctly, the population ought to be fairly stable once it hits 7 billion and it might even decline, especially with rules such as China's one-child law... The planet can sustain us as long as we take care with our resources.

Ur-spo said...

scary; I am very pessimistic about it all.

Anna said...

Ur-spo: Pessimism never changed the world for the better. If you're so afraid about it becoming worse, speak up and make a difference. You can make a difference, just you yourself. Recycling, being conscientious about what you purchase, walking or biking instead of driving- all these little things add up. It is not too late to save the world. Maybe it is because you are 26 years older than I that you are pessimistic, but I ask you to have faith in my generation. We're the ones who want to save the world from ourselves (I'm not saying that you don't, but you have a life while I am still just a student). I see from your profile that you are a physician. You are doing your part- you are educating people, and the more educated a woman is, the less children she is likely to have. You're already making a difference, whether you are aware of it or not.

I hope that you do not see my comment as indignant or harping but as hopeful and desiring to make a positive difference.