Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thank You

It has been a really good day.  Not only did my house get cleaned. (Thank you Theresa) but I went to Lodge and the Stated Meeting only lasted about an hour, (Thank you Marty) and the Brothers of Arcadia Lodge decided to elect me Secretary Emeritus.  I asked them not to because I don't feel I deserved it.  We already have a Secretary Emeritus and he really deserved it but they went ahead and did it.  I am humbly grateful for the honor.  As I said I don't feel I deserve it but it comes at a time when the kindness is appreciated. (Thank you Brothers.)

The Lodge is in good shape this year with a great bunch of officers and a good program planned for the year. W.M. Marty joined the Masons during my year as Master.  We spent some time after Lodge talking the history of the Lodge and how it came to be where we are and how much we owed to those who had the foresight to have a building fund and continue to have that fund which will provide us with another Lodge building in the future should we need it. We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us and our shoulders will be there for those who come after.  Arcadia has been a presence in Ames for over 100 years and will continue a strong, viable Lodge for the future.  The ship sails forward and the waters are smooth for a change.

Thanks for stopping by, Be gentle with one another, cherish your friends.  Hugs, j

1 comment:

MadPriest said...

I doubt that "change" is the right word here. I expect there will be evolution and evolution never negates the good that was achieved in the past. The bestowing of the title "secretary emeritus" is an outward acknowledgement of the fact that what you achieved in the past is very much a part of their present.