Friday, August 26, 2011

Medical Update

I went to see Dr. Crano (Diabetes) this morning and while my numbers (A-1c) are up a little it is not alarmingly so.  I have been on 1/2 dose of the medicine and with the steroid (which messes with your blood sugars) he did not seem overly concerned or alarmed. 

The good news is that since the first part of June when I decided that enough was enough I have lost 20 pounds.  

So I have 80 more pounds of my first goal to lose.  Think I can do it?  Check back in about a year.  I see him in 6 months and have another A1c (Whatever that is) the day before Thanksgiving.  It it is good I will have potatoes for Thanksgiving.

Oh and for some reason this past week I have really been feeling good and my leg is not swollen today. (It may have been a residual of the steroid also- at least I will blame it on that.)    Have a great week-end and thanks for stopping by.  Hugs, j


Anna said...

Congrats on losing 20 pounds! Losing weight is not easy and I applaud your efforts. :)

Ur-spo said...

be as well as you can.