Monday, July 29, 2013

Molly on Monday

Molly here,

It has been another lazy week.  B G is in a "reading" mode and is reading a lot.  It has been really nice weather so we could sit on the back porch while he reads and I sit on his recliner (which still needs fixing) and watch him.

A couple of times men came into the yard.  B G said they were meter readers.  I barked at both of them  It is my yard and I am protective of it.  One time I was actually outside when he came the other time we were on the porch.  I let them know that I knew they were there.  B G made me come inside and thanked me for my alarm.
Sometimes I sit up in the chair.

There is always something to look at.

But mostly I just sit and sniff the scents the breeze brings to me.

B G took pictures of Jon's Prairie garden.  There are purple flowers growing in it. We don't know what they are but they are pretty.

The close ups are kind of fuzzy.

One day we had a big rain storm.  I got up on B G's lap to watch it.  I like to be there when we have "weather" (He likes it too.)

One day I was in my boudoir having a nice rest on my queen sized bed and B G came in with his camera.  He said I had to pose for my "public."  I think it was rude of him to bother me but what is a lady to do?
First I stretched out.
I tried to ignore him but he would have nothing of it.

He had a talking to me.
And I looked for a way out but there was no escape.

Not in any direction.
So I posed.
And posed.. Isn't my room nice.  It used to be B G's but I took it over.
I am bored of this and need some more beauty rest.
Pardon me while I nap.  Have a nice week everyone.


Dianne said...

as a member of your public I appreciate that you posed
thank you, your photos always make me smile

big hugs from all of us to all of you

Ur-spo said...

Oooh but I love Molly !

Harpers Keeper said...

So photogenic!