Saturday, July 14, 2007

Checking my blogs

Every day I check certain Blogs. Ken and Taner have not put much up of late but Karmen over at Chaotic Utopia has a really good post about Education (especially Science and Philosophy) here.

Each Friday she does a Friday Fractal.

I don't claim to understand Fractals but ever since Dan Ashlock (Charlotte's Dad) did one of me (unfortunately lost after several moves and one major computer crash - Back up your "stuff" folks) I have enjoyed them. She does not use color as much as Dan did but I enjoy looking at them. Anyway be sure to read the recommended Education post. She says it better than I could have.
Love someone, Hugs. jcs

1 comment:

Larry said...

So, I have already posted twice, maybe I will like this blogging thing after all. :-)