Friday, October 10, 2008


As always click on the button to see the guidelines.
And don't forget to go to Raven's Nest to see all the others.

Ten Word Challenge : bluebottle, puppy love, livid, misanthrope, torrid, apathy, erudite, catalyst, hockey puck, parakeet

And for the Mini Challenge: totalitarian, moronic, boondoggle, tycoon, insipid

"Phrog," said Sallyie. "do bring along the computer on the shelf. We need to get bluebottle operating system installed on it, also bring along the blue bottle next to it. We can get it filled with elixir and feed it to that moronic gecko who is trying to create a totalitarian organization. It just makes me livid! Everyone knows he is a misanthrope who hates all of us." She batted her eyes at him because she had a bad case of puppy love and the erudite Phrog was the object of her affections. She thought perhaps there would be a catalyst
which would help her break his resolve, if she could just figure it out.

Last week she gave him a hockey puck (gold plated) and the week before that it was a parakeet. She was hoping for a torrid affair with him but all she got was an insipid look of apathy. It was beyond her how she was going to break his resolve. Perhaps if she became a tycoon. But no, that was a moronic idea. Phrog was above bribery. It was yet another boondoggle. What to do, what to do?

Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: blinking, cellulite, crescent, ship-shape, homonym, suffering, packer, wind chime, scissors, necklace

Mini Challenge: static, floppy hat, penguin, cinnamon, alphabetical
Thanks for stopping by, Have a great week-end. Hugs, j


Raven said...

Wonderful as always. I never would have suspected this case of puppy love. The sisters and phrog never fail to surprise and delight.

Akelamalu said...

Ah puppy love can be so painful. :(

Great stuff as always. :)

Lu' said...

Unrequited love, so sad :)

Melli said...

Poor Sallyie... I had no idea ... and I always thought Phrog was so intuitive... I'm shocked!

Dr.John said...

I loved the bluebottle operating system. What a clever idea. Poor Phrog doesn't have a clue.
Good use of all the words.

Dianne said...

I love the bluebottle operating system too :)

and I know I say it all the time but I love they way you write their dialogue!!

Carletta said...

"break his resolve" - so have they had a private conversation together we haven't been knowledgable of? She somehow knows he is resolved not to get involved - she always pays such attention to detail maybe that's it. I for one hopes she breaks him. :)
Loved it Jay!
I've also spend a little time here checking out your 'political post', the prayer, and the Smother's Brothers.
Good material - I must get back during the week.

Linda Murphy said...

Great wordzzle! Come on, Phrog!

Richard said...

The continuing saga of Phrog and the Salamander sisters enchants as always.
