Friday, October 24, 2008


As always click on the button to see the guidelines.
And don't forget to go to Raven's Nest to see all the others.

This Week's Ten Word Challenge : build-a-bear workshop, man bites dog, opulent, disparaging, lipstick stain, preponderance, smoky quartz, clothes pin, meticulous, falling leaves

Mini Challenge: moisturizing, pickles, seat belt, flip-flop, Chicago

Phrog jumped up and grabbed the gun from the Monster. “Hey,” he said, “this is a water pistol. – What gives?”

The Monster broke down sobbing. Please sir I really need some cinnamon. The meticulous way I take care of myself requires that I eat pickles dipped in cinnamon before I put the moisturizing cream on or my red splotches will fade to the color of a smoky quartz. I was trying to scare you into giving me some as I have run out of funds. Ever since I got fined for not wearing my seat belt.”

Phrog went over to Saydie Salamander who was lying on the floor in a faint. She looked like a pile of falling leaves wearing green flip flops and clutching her teddy bear that she had made at the build a bear workshop she had attended last week.

He succeded in awakening her and when he had gotten her to her feet he noticed the lipstick stain on his shirt cuff where she had tried to kiss him. “Have you seen Sallyie,” she murmmered. “She has been gone for such a long time.” The last time I saw her she was reading the story of a man bites dog in the city park and she put the paper down and rushed out.”

Let me look at that said LiGa. He glanced at the paper and with a disparaging look he said, I know where she has gone. He pointed to the opulent advertisement for the movie Chicago which had a big red mark around it. It had been folded correctly with a large clothes pin on it to keep it open to the right place. “I’ll bet she has gone to the movie.” There is a preponderance of evidence pointing in that direction. Come on Phrog, Let's go see.

Next Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: squeaky toy, perpendicular, olives, shanty, howling at the moon, soul, bow and arrow, uniform, statistics, praying mantis

Mini Challenge: glamour, rocking chair, cormorant, objective, symbolism


Raven said...

But poor LiGa didn't get his cinnamon! Wonderful as always!

Akelamalu said...

There must be something in the air the 55 Flash Fiction I wrote yesterday was about a water pistol! LOL

Pickles dipped in cinnamon - an interesting combination!

Great stuff as always. :)

Dr.John said...

I'm glad the monster wasn't really a monster. We do have to keep Phrog going.
So what is so special about the movie "Chicago"? I assume we'll find out next week.

bettygram said...

Good story. May they get to see Chicago.

Melli said...

Well of course! I would run off to see Chicago too! GREAT movie! I love Phrog... I do hope LiGa gets the cinnamon though.

Dianne said...

so perhaps Phrog and LiGa will become friends? heaven knows Phrog could use a companion to help him with the sisters, they are a handful

chatty's story had fried pickles in it, wonder if you can put cinammon on fried pickles?