And this grows there also. I then went up and had coffee with Kurt. We had a great conversation. I really enjoy the times we can talk. We both care about Masonry in all of its aspects and so I like to "grab" some time with him. He had to go home for a conference call and I went on down to the Gateway market to get some oatmeal and then to the York Rite Meeting. I enjoyed my time down there as usual. It is a fairly active group and there is usually a good discussion.
On the way home I listened to some of the debate on the radio (Debate you say - what debate? -- Yeah right.) I heard nothing that made me regret voting for Obama. In fact the Rev lists the very reasons I have: reasons I am for him on his blog they are:In addition it was clear to me that John McSame is in the pocket of business all the way and I believe in protecting the rights of the common man (and woman) Barak Obama will do that. And he will do it in a bi-partisan way. He is willing to listen to both parties and I trust him. I don't trust John McCain and one of the main reasons I don't trust him is that he chose Sara as his running mate. I think that was an insult to the American people. And if something should happen to Senator Obama it will lie squarely on their shoulders.To sum it all up, John McCain means four more years of Bush and Cheney's policies and this country can't afford that. Barack Obama represents change, and that's what we need.
- Barack Obama has conducted a campaign based on hope. John McCain's campaign is based mostly on fear.
- Barack Obama will end the war in Iraq within 16 months. John McCain will keep an open-ended commitment to the Iraq War, including our sons and daughters and $10 billion per month.
- Barack Obama believes that health care is a right of every American. John McCain does not.
- Barack Obama believes in a woman's right to have an abortion if she so chooses. John McCain does not.
- Barack Obama's tax cuts provide most of the money to the middle class. John McCain's go mostly to the wealthy.
When I got home Max was gone so Jon had picked him up for walkies. It was great to see him. - I am so looking forward to November 5. Thanks for stopping by, ARTYAL. Hugs, j
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