Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A- Team

I wanted to go to a movie on Sunday but my sister needed me to take her to Costco so I did.

Yesterday was not a good day and last night there was Lodge.

Today I had to get my hairscut, go see the eye doctor for a check-up and go out to the Lodge to lock up after the grand lodge committee meeting and my sister was supposed to stop by the house. Unfortunately she stopped by at the same time that I was gone so we did not connect. That is no big deal but I sat and waited for her and I had to get my estimated taxes in the mail today. I finally sent her a note and went to mail my letters and went to Borders (got two books - one 40% off and one 30% off and went across the street to see The A-team.

Now I am old enough that I used to watch the A-Team on television so I was curious as to what this one would be like. I liked it, I really liked it. Not so much for the action although there was plenty of that but for the repartee that had me laughing out loud (which was fortunately covered by the noise of gunshots and blowing up things) all through the film. One of the blogs I read said this of the film:
What a superfun summer action movie! Lots of action. Lots of intrigue. Explosions and destruction galore. Delicious villains
I totally agree. Kurt and Lyssa went to see it Sunday and they both liked it... I was skeptical but I should not have been. They have good taste and they were right.

I put my status up on FB while I was waiting for the credits to run because I had heard that you needed to wait until they were done for one last scene. I put up the last line of the film.

"I love it when a plan comes together."

Kurt knew what it was and put a "like" on it.

When I got home the person that Jon arranged to take Miles walkies had been over and taken him for a walk. They must have gone to the river because I came home to the smell of WET DOG. He needed it. He drove me nuts playing last night. Today he crawled up on my lap while I was resting my eyes (that is called napping) and I took a couple of pictures of him - watch for them next Monday. After he god down (my he is heavy) Miss Cassie did the same.

After I got home I got a letter out for the SRICF and watched the Presidential (clips) from the Oval Office speech. I was glad I had gone to the movie. I agree with most of the people I was underwhelmed. I thought he spoke as if he was speaking to a group of schoolchildren. (others have done the same thing) He really needs to talk to the oil company executives that way because they obviously cannot understand that they need to step up and take responsibility. It is unconscionable what BP is doing to try to cover up. I read where they will not let clean-up workers wear hazmat suits and other protective gear, that they are driving along the beaches at night and picking up the dead birds so that they can't be seen.

We elected him to do something and so far he has done a lot...but this is just not enough and not fast enough and he needs to state emphatically that there will be no more drilling until technology is there to protect from disasters like this. And he should do what Kennedy did when he set a goal to "go to the moon and do the other thing" (whatever that was) and then like Kennedy put the resources of the nation behind it. And the goal(s)... To build high speed rail transportation that does not use oil and to demand that something besides the combustion engine be developed if we are going to continue to use automobiles. I don't state it very well but you get the idea. He said something about this country being able to rise to the occasion and accomplish what needs to be done. Oh yeah and he mentioned prayer. The end of his speech was almost like a preacher giving a benediction. I think we need more action and less prayer... Perhaps a PLAN.

Let's also declare a moratorium not only on the off shore drilling but how about a moratorium on big corporations donating tons of money (buying) to politicians who are then afraid to do the right thing. Yeah, I know I am naive - it ain't gonna happen.

While I am working on this post Katie Curic is on David Letterman and she just said that one of the mistakes being made is that the Coast Guard is not in charge. They are letting BP run things. BP should be taken over by the Federal Government and it's assets frozen until the mess is cleaned up and the people who have lost businesses etc. compensated. Somebody needs to take charge and it should not be the company that is responsible for this mess. Maybe they need to get the A-team in to run things. Just my thoughts. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs. j

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