Tuesday, July 24, 2012

On Eating Hard Rolls

I wasn't going to tell about this but I suppose I must.  Saturday noon we had a lovely luncheon at the Red Cross meeting.  Chicken Cordon Bleu,,,,etc. and a hard roll.

I was enjoying the company and the meal and eating lunch. All of a sudden I heard a "crack."  I ran my tongue around my teeth but everything seemed to be fine.  However as I continued to eat I felt something hard in the food and discovered that half of my tooth had fallen out.  I called my dentist but he was out at Scout camp with his kids and didn't get the message on time.  Then he texted me late that night but I didn't notice it until I saw him Monday afternoon.

This was one of the teeth that was going to have to come out anyway so we were prepared for that.  I had originally planned on spreading the work out over several months for ease of payment but that isn't going to work now.  I have my next appointment on Thursday.

 Needless to say that put a damper on my day.  It was more difficult to eat the rest of the day.  I was also worried about just getting through the day with the tooth bothering me.  Here is a picture I took Monday after worrying about it all day Saturday and Sunday.  I made it in Black and White because it looks so awful.

I went to the grocery store and picked up some yoghurt I will be eating soft for awhile.  And I don't expect that I will be smiling much either.  Such is the saga of life.