Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Blame Game

There is a lot of blame going around.
Some people are blaming BP for the oil spill.
Some are blaming Obama.
A lot of people blame Bush for a lot of things.
But you know
If you think about it
And ponder it.
We only have ourselves to blame.

We have know for years
decades even
that our demand for energy was the problem
We have to have air conditioning
gas for our cars
coal for our power plants

Do we look for alternatives?
Other ways to meet our needs.
Do we really have to take that trip in our car
or could we ride the bus?
In some countries people ride bicycles.
Others walk.
Our insatiable demand is the cause
Now we have an oil spill
pollution killing and spoiling the Gulf
and where else will it go.

Who is to blame?

We are.

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