Thursday, April 7, 2011

Just in case you hadn't known

Quiz: What Kind of Liberal Are You?

My Liberal Identity

You are a Reality-Based Intellectualist, also known as the liberal elite. You are a proud member of what’s known as the reality-based community, where science, reason, and non-Jesus-based thought reign supreme.

Take the quiz at Political Humor


Knight said...

I got:

Result: New Left HipsterYou are a New Left Hipster, also known as a liberal, a Netroots activist, or a Daily Show fanatic. You believe that if we really want to defend American values, conservative hatriots must be exposed and mocked for every fanatical, puritanical, paranoid, fact-allergic, reality-challenged, obstructionist ideal for which they stand.

Fair enough. I am a member.

MadPriest said...

Jay Simser = "reality-based?"

Yes, but not always, thank goodness.