Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good Morning!

The babies are growing and they are so much fun to watch. -  

I have started a new "spot" on the right hand side.  I call it Found things.  Just little nuggets of wisdom that I find.  Sort of like a small bulletin board I used to have in my classroom with things which I liked and wanted to keep.  The Banner phrase "Each of us is but one in all of time." used to be up there.

The first two are:

Loyalty in friendship is an inspiring trait in people.

Each of us has a capacity to help others discover the colors in their very own rainbow."

The first one was on someones profile that I was reading.  I really liked it. It goes along with something else I used to have up on my bulletin board and use.  "To be trusted is a greater  compliment than to be loved."  Friendship is a funny thing.  I have some friends that I have had for years and years and if we don't see each other for a long while we can pick up right where we left off.  I have other friends who are really more just acquaintances.   People I know but who aren't really close.  Some people were friends but for various reasons I no longer consider that they can be trusted to be a friend so I have moved them over to the other column.  If you are in my first column you are someone I will hold in love and loyalty. But friendship works two ways. I can't be the only one who gives.

The second one is something I found in a gift shop and also had on my bulletin board when I taught.  I always thought of teaching as helping others to find the colors in their own rainbow.  To reach their full potential.  It is what I loved about my profession.  In many ways I am still trying to do that as I blog and in my Masonic life.  It is an admirable goal.

In The Land Of The Northern Lights from Ole Christian Salomonsen on Vimeo.

I found this on AmericaBlog.  The original post is here.  We used to see the Northern Lights when we went to Minnesota in the summer.  I can remember one time I was at the outdoor Drive In movie theater and I looked up at the sky and saw red and green lights in the sky. I left the theater and went to a telephone and called the resort where we stayed and told them about the lights.  We all went out to see them.  A very few times we saw them in Ames.  When we did we would call my great aunts who would put their coats on over their night gowns and drive out in the country to see them.   - enjoy your Wednesday. I have nothing on my agenda and may not even go out of the house.  I just finished a book and will start a new one tomorrow.  That is always an exciting thing for me.  

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