Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Backyard Photos

 A couple of years ago Jon planted a prairie in my back yard and up against the house.  He was over on Tuesday night and noticed that he had some prairie flowers growing.

A Cone flower and something else up near the  house under my picture window (which needs washing) and other flowers.  It is so nice to have them there.

I have someone coming to take care of the volunteer trees which are growing up there. And he is also going to scrub down the porch. Then if I can find someone to wash my windows I will be in good shape.

Of course if the damn government decides not to send me my Social Security Check I will be hard up to pay for it.  Wonder what they would say if I refused to pay my estimated taxes until they release my SS check.

I am almost at the point that if a REAL Democrat were to run for office I would vote for them.

Marsh Marigold

Mountain mint
 The camera was set on portrait and as a result some of the images were blurry.  The next two are kind of artsy so I thought I should share them.

I started a new book today.  It looks like it will be an easy read.  Good old fashioned murder mystery. Thanks for stopping by-  Happy Wednesday!

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