Friday, July 15, 2011

Found For Friday - Pun Alert

 Snow White bought a camera and she happily took pictures of the Dwarfs and their surroundings. When she finished she took the film to be developed. After a week or so she went to get the finished photos. The clerk said the photos were not back from the processor. Needless to say, she was disappointed and started to cry. The clerk, trying to console her, said, "Don't worry. Someday your prints will come". 

 Two men were in the process of inventing a new brand of gum. They were arguing over the fact that their new gum was too hard and brittle and didn't have the right consistency. One of the inventors kept arguing that they simply had to add more liquid to their primary secret ingredient, code named "Yewin".

The other man argued adamantly. "No, No, No! It's not wetter Yewin that counts.. it's how you ply the gum!"
It seems that Mary Poppins has moved to California. She has started a business telling people's fortunes. But, she doesn't read palms or tea leaves, she smells one's breath. That, right, the sign outside reads: Super California Mystic Expert Halitosis.

The dying artist painted himself into a coroner.

 A maiden was renowned throughout the kingdom for her beauty. One day, the queen learned of her. Being envious, she threw the maiden into the dungeon.
And the queen made her wear an ugly, ugly dress.Every day, she saw knights riding past. She called for help, but they were repulsed by the dress.

Eventually, she realized no knight would rescue a damsel in this dress.
 When making macaroni and cheese I didn't use the colander long enough, and I was given a restraining order.

The luminescent Pelican triggered an air defense alert of glow bill proportions.

After the shepherd retired he felt ewes less

 The dictator was really upset about the neckwear he had received as a gift. What a tie rant.
The sign on the nudist camp said, 'Clothed 'til May'

Thanks for stopping by - have a great week-end.

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