Thursday, July 7, 2011

Remedy for Rats

If you have rats in your basement print this out and put it down there it will get rid of them.  I was playing with the camera on my new phone and discovered that there are two apertures one for each side of the camera.  I accidentally took this one.  Do I look quizzical?  I took this by accident.

The chin is whisker less.  I got really tired of the coarse hairs on it so I decided to shave it off.  I like the way I looked better but it had grown tiresome.

The hat is from the San Diego Zoo.  We visited there when we were out to Red Cross of Constantine Meetings and it was hot and I was getting sunburned so I bought the hat.  It has been in the closet ever since.  I had a rather nice summer hat that I was wearing on Doctor's orders.  I couldn't find it and when I did it was on the kitchen floor.  Miles enjoyed chewing it as he enjoys chewing most things.

Speaking of Miles.  The other day I watched as he tried to pull the remnants of his doggy bed that he had unstuffed through the wires of the Kennel that is in the kitchen.  It is essentially a fence which I use to keep them in the kitchen when I am gone.  He tugged and tugged and had about 1/4 of it through the little hole.  You could tell he was frustrated.  What was cool was what he did next.  After about 5 minutes of tugging he stopped and looked at it for awhile.  You could almost see the wheels grinding.  Pretty soon he walked around to the other side of the fence. Grabbed the bed cover (all that is left of the bed) - tugged it back through and proceeded to sit down and chew on it and pull it apart some more.  I was impressed at how he was able to solve his problem.  Who says animals are not intelligent?

I am going to miss him come the first of August when Jon moves to his new place and takes him with him.  I told him he can bring him over here for day care if he wants.  Thanks for stopping by, Hugs, j

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