Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Cinco de Mayo - Saved for Saturday

I saw something that reminded me that Saturday is Cinco de Mayo. It is an interesting holiday.  It is celebrated in the USA  as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride, and to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War.  This is probably not going to be celebrated in Republiscum households where the idea that anyone other than white tea party types have any value is non existent.  But the rest of us will celebrate.  I plan to eat Mexican food and watch the Kentucky Derby (which has nothing to do with the day but I thought I would mention it.
Below are some things  I found during the week. 
There are Christians and then there are "Christians."  I have learned the difference.  I love and respect true Christians but the "Christians" will never receive my respect.  They use religion to bully and bash and are not worth the sweat off my... well I will be a gentleman and not continue that thought.

Republiscums continue to show that they have no respect for persons.  They care about nothing but their own greed and have no compassion.  They are not like the true Republicans that I grew up with.

How anyone can even consider this person as a viable candidate continues to amaze me.
Bless you Mrs. Clinton for this strong statement on Bullying.  

1 comment:

Dianne said...

good stuff Jay

Jon Stewart has some clips from people carrying on about how Romney was a racist because he's Mormon and Jon said 'no, he's racist because he's Republican'

another gem was his response to someone who said the Americans would never accept a non-Christian being in the WH - 'as a Jew, I'll tell ya, you get used to it'

this election is horrid and going to get worse