Thursday, November 1, 2012

What's it all about, Alphie?

Sometimes I look in the mirror and see this guy.  I was having a lot of fun back then.  I went to meetings dressed up in a Tuxedo (I now hate to put a Tux on) and we drove all over the state and met a lot of people.

Spent hours with friends. taught school, went to the Lake in the summer and then other places.  Took a leadership role in many organizations and then too I could go out to bars with friends and dance and have a lot of fun.

Now I look in the mirror and I see someone who is much older. On the downside of life. Living alone with a dog and a cat and generally managing but I can see signs when I may not be able to. That does not appeal to me at all.  My knees give me a lot of trouble and I have much difficulty getting up and down out of low chairs.

Not being able to drive for six months has me in a depressed mood.  And I am missing not being able to go to some meetings that I wanted to go to.  I miss being able to get in the car and run an errand.  I have a wonderful friend Su who came over last night and drove me in my car to the grocery store and we went out to eat.  Today I go to the dentist.  Tonight another friend and Lodge Brother is stopping by and driving me (in my car) to Lodge. It has to work that way because I am to tall to fit into a smaller carl  It will be ages before I "get" to drive again (March) - I guess I won't mind it so much when the snows come but when the weather is nice I miss it.  Thanks for listening and letting me unload on you. Comeback tomorrow for the jokes.  j

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