Thursday, November 29, 2012

Some "Stuff"

I understand that this area of the country has already gotten some snow. I know that I have readers from Vermont and maybe some from Upstate New York.  I had to share this one for them.  I know they are loving this.  I keep looking outside thinking that I want to see Molly in the snow.

 The "stuff" refers to things I found on the Internets and for some reason I liked them. This place is in Tuscany.

Can you not see a bunch of Masons and Knights Templars processing through this doorway into this room.

I think that one of the things Masons forget to do is to decorate their Temples with teaching murals and beautiful designs.  I mean cream colored walls, blue carpet and utilitarian chairs?? I would like to see them decorated like the ones I saw in Philadelphia.
No imagination left. Oh well, the candidates are blindfolded.
These were on Facebook or were e-mailed to me and I had to share them.

Now there is some truth in this.  I am working on it.

My nephew had this up. I really don't like these caps.  I used to make the kids take them off when they came in the building.

They would have worn them all day if I had let them get away with it. Of course some of them had severe cases, almost terminal, of bed-head.

My friend Su had this Christmas tree up on her Facebook Status this morning.

I haven't had a Christmas tree up for many many years.  Jonathan brought his cat here to live and Miles would have knocked it over.  I was on Facebook this morning and saw this ad and thought well maybe this year.

So I called the number to check on getting one delivered, lighted and set up and it was way to expensive for me.  I can understand that this is a Des Moines Firm and I live in Ames and I could have just had them deliver a tree and set it up but the decorations are all in the basement,,,where I never go. So I am going to do without.  Molly and I will have to do with the Amaryllis and red birds and smelly candle.  That will be enough.

Brandon was over and fixed my smoke alarms which I had allowed to run out of battery and also put up the refurbished light fixture. He is so very nice and he does not over charge me.  I thought about having him bring up the decorations and then decided not to.

I went to the eye-doctor this afternoon. I had to ride over with some driver listening to Rush.  I asked politely to have it turned off but he ignored me. The appointment went well.  I have "significant" cataracts but I will have to wait until the eyesight is worse or the night driving is bad enough for me so I can't drive before they will approve the surgery.

I came home and had some snuggle time with my puppy. Then I watched them light the Christmas Tree on Rockerfeller Center..It was nice...Life is good.

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