Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Last night in Des Moines

 The president came back to where it all started last night.  He filled East Des Moines with a diverse crowd of people bundled up against the 40 degree weather to hear the final speech of the campaign.
 I watched on my computer and took these screen shots with my computer.
TPM has a pretty good article about the speech and event. Click here.

This evening Molly has been especially cuddly and on my lap for a couple of hours.  I needed her on my lap and I guess she knew it.  I scanned some pictures this week-end and was going to scan some more today but I have this thing called a Kindle and have been reading a great Masonic Book.  I absolutely love the Kindle.  I ordered a Book on Amazon and by the time I had picked up the Kindle it was downloading into the device.  And it took less than a minute.

I am going to learn more about it but right now I just want to read.  And I can do it with Molly on my lap.

Tomorrow the election will be over and mercifully the ads about Steve King will be gone from my TV and hopefully he will be gone from Congress. I hope Nate Silver is right.

My friend Lyssa told me about a site to find your fucking polling place.  Here is mine.
You can find yours by clicking here.  Then go vote.  See you tomorrow, unless Rmoney wins then I will be packed up and moving to New Zealand.

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