Friday, March 21, 2008

Bob's Photos / Nice Guys

Bob sent me this photo of ice over by the Ledges. Thanks Bob!

Dom Caristi who is currently in Italy on a "teaching junket" (My description not his) sent me the link to this article Nice Guys Actually finish First. I had heard about this on Iowa Public Radio the other day and find it interesting. Last night I also heard a story about how people who give to others are happier. (You can listen to the story from a link on tne NPR site)

A new study, published today in the journal Science, suggests that what matters most is not how much money we have but, rather, what we do with it. Spending money on others, it shows, can boost our own happiness.

They gave some money to people and half of them were told to spend it on themselves and the other half were to spend it on others. I really identified with that story and I have always loved giving to people. In fact, you can punish me by refusing to let me give you things.

I leave soon for Kansas City, (I suppose I should pack) but am in no hurry because I probably can't check in until noon and I have to check my mail and my blogs - My OCD you know. Hugs, ARTYAL - j-bear

1 comment:

Raven said...

Isn't giving fun? And there are so many ways to do it besides just money, though having a truckload of money would be splendid. I'm waiting for Publisher's Clearinghouse to bring me my check but they keep giving it to other people.

I have a theory that giving and receiving are part of a circle... and that receiving is also an art that many of us have to learn. Receiving completes the giving and is a way of giving in and of itself. I learned this in college (sort of)... I used to like buying treats for the people I lived with. They offered to do it one day and when I started to say, "oh, no..." they asked whether it had occurred to me that if it gave me pleasure to do it, it might also give them pleasure... and wasn't it a bit selfish of me not to share. Pretty smart.

And I'm rambling. Sorry.