Sunday, March 30, 2008


These are some of the almost 200 people who put on the degrees at the Scottish Rite this week-end. I did not sit through all of them but I was there taking pictures which you can see at here.

I was there until 10:00 visiting and socializing and I want to tell you that I had a really good time. They have sone so much work down there on the building that it is a first class place to be now. It used to be a faded old lady but with all of the work that the members have done it is really quite nice (I was going to say snazzy but this is a high class blog) now. Any way I am tired and it is about an hour past my bed time.

I just want to say that I have enjoyed the last two days tremendously and I am sure I will pay for it tomorrow. I hope you like the pictures and I will post my penultimate Women's history post in the morning.

Always Remember That You Are Loved,

Bigh Hugs, j-bear

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