Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I have a blogfriend named Raven
She lives in a nest out East.
Her wisdom comes over the Internets
Wise and wonderful she is the best.

Dianne at Forks Off The Moment introduced me to Katherine AKA Raven. I love her writing. She is wonderfully creative and inspires others to be creative and to think.

She has a little game called Wordzzle where she gives us certain words and we are to write stories using them. Actually there are two challenges and if you want to try the words for this week are"

Words for next week's ten-word challenge are: arbitration, music, salamanders, frankinsence, trojan horse, balderdash, bottomless pit, fantastic, pugnacious, Trivial Pursuit

And for the mini challenge: maniac, video store, telephone pole, flute player, windy day

They are due by Saturday.

I subscribe to Raven's Blog using Google Reader and today I read her blog about feminism. I have known for a long time that I was a feminist. Raven finishes her post with the following:

"To be a feminist isn't to be anti-male. To be feminist is to be pro human, to recognize that women are more than just pretty play things for men, more than "just" mothers and housekeepers. The idea of feminism isn't to diminish the gifts of men, but to acknowledge the many gifts that women also have to offer. As many men have discovered, when they open up doors for women, they open up doors for themselves too.

The biggest lesson we will learn when we truly embrace feminism (and when we move beyond racism and other forms of bias and hatred) is that improving the lot of any person or group of people in society, improves the lot of all of us. It's a win win solution. Or that's what I think."

I think so also, My mother worked as a secretary for years and those she worked for depended upon her to make them look good. Yet they got the big bucks and she had to struggle. Because she was a woman. So my post for women's history today goes to a woman that most of you have never heard about. Just a woman I have come to admire for her courage to face her demons and to reach out to others and make all of those of us who know her glad for the experience. Her humanity is something each of us can admire and emulate.

 She had this little movie on her blog and I stole it for this post. Enjoy. And thanks Raven for being my inspiration. ARTYAL.. j-bear


Raven said...

What an honor to read such kind words about myself. Thank you very much.

Dianne said...

what a wonderful post Jay for an awesome person!

Raven is a feminist, a humanist, and my dear friend.

You don't need to be a celebrity to be famous and Raven proves that.

I love when people I like get to know and like each other.

The Internet at its finest.

Oh and Jay - you ARE a feminist.

Anonymous said...

loved the video!