Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Random Rambling - Wednesday 3/28/08

Today was a busy day. I had the Eastern Star Masonic Home Board meeting in Boone. I always enjoy these meetings. Today was no exception. Nothing really major to report but it was good to see everyone and catch up. Last month's meeting was canceled because Denny had to have a hip replaced. He got along great with the operation and while he is moving a little slower than normal he is doing well. He caught us up on all the activities and we approved a long list of names of folks to enter the home.

I am just a little upset with our esteemed governor. He threated to veto the bill which would extend the scope of collective bargaining in the state. Once again he has proven himself not to be on the side of the working person. I, of course, am in favor of extending this scope. For several years we tried to get the school system to even talk about some items such as class size, etc. and the administration/Board would stonewall us by saying "That is permissive, we don't have to discuss it." They are not in favor of the bill as it would limit their authority.

Governor Culver is not one of my favorite politicians for several reasons. Mainly because he talks out of both sides of his mouth and seemingly is only out for Chet Culver. Tom Villsack was far superior to him as was Robert Ray and Harold Hughes. Oh well, I voted for him. But mainly because he was the nominee of the Democratic Party. Until the Republicans kick out the religious crazies I will not vote for them. The last good Republican was Eisenhower. (IMHO)

I am also upset with Hillary. I was going to support her but she is being divisive and is upsetting so many people that there is a chance that John McSame might get in. That would be a disaster in my opinion. So I am officially naming myself an Obama supporter. I think he has a better chance of inspiring our country to return to its former place in the world. When I think of what would happen if a Republican got to name another Supreme Court Justice right now it scares me.

We had York Rite tonight. As usual a bunch of us ate together at the Pizza Ranch. We had a good time and the meeting went well. I gave my Easter Service and the fellows seemed to like it. Steven will do the Ascension Day service.

It is funny the last time we met it was dark when we finished eating and left the restaurant for the meeting. Tonight it was still sort of light when we finished the meeting. (It was a short meeting I was home by 8:00 PM) There were no visitors to the meeting tonight and we only had one petition to vote on. I really enjoy the York Rite and the Ames York Rite guys are the best.

The Opera is on PBS right now. It is one I saw at the theater. It was much better there as it was a larger screen and the sound system was super but it is kind of fun to watch it again.

I talked to Aunt Jo tonight and she is still unpacking. I am going up Friday to see if I can help her with getting started on the computer. It should be fun. Hopefully she will be up and running by the week-end.

I read the following in a Dear Abby Column in the Kansas City Paper when I was down there last week-end. It is about Thank-you notes.

It is interesting that what started you penning thank-you notes was receiving one. Most people cultivate this social skill because they were taught to do so by a parent.

Thank-you notes do not need to be long or fancy, and should reflect one;s spontaneous reaction for someone making an effort on your behalf- giving exceptional service, entertaining you or treating you to a meal, or upon receipt of a gift. It can ve simple: "Thank you for including me." A sentence or two can be more eloquent than a paragraph."

I got a couple of thank-you notes from people this month and they meant a lot to me. I also like it when people just say thank you and they don't have to write a note but a note is always appreciated. I particularly liked the thank-you from Brian's son for a contribution he got from me for womething he was raising funds for through scouts. Others were from Kurt and his son. Jakob doesn't write much but you would love to have seen the note he sent me.

That reminds me I need to send thanks to my sister. She gave me a really nice "Egyptian diffuser" for my birthday. My birthday was in November so this was a little late but I love it and it is sitting in the living room where I can see it all the time. Thanks, Ginny -

All in all it was a great day, relaxing and productive. I am looking forward to the Third Degree tomorrow night and the Scottish Rite in Des Moines on Friday night and Saturday. ARTYRL, Big Hugs, j-bear

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"So I am officially naming myself an Obama supporter. I think he has a better chance of inspiring our country to return to its former place in the world."

welcome aboard, jay. not since i voted for bobby kennedy in the '68 massachusetts primary have i felt such hope for our country. when i send barack my little donations i always mention that and caution him to not disappoint me.