Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday Smatterings (where do I get these titles?)

This is Mia. You can read her story over at Forks Off The Moment. It will touch your heart. Mia came to Dianne as a rescue kitten. She had been found in a parking lot. Now she is home.
By the way Dianne, I have a cat living with me also. Her name is Cassie. She is also my nephew's and she is sweet. I have a feeling that if he takes her someplace when he moves to Grad School I will be looking for a cat.
This is Hoyt-Sherman Place in Des Moines. It is where I will be going to see CRAIG FERGUSON in April. Hoyt Sherman was the brother of William Tecumseh Sherman of Sherman's March.
This is my Aunt Jo. At the age of *^ she has gotten a computer and is going to be on the Internets. Grandson Michael (of Tattoo fame) is helping her. She has wireless in her home. I sent her an e-mail and got a response saying that she hopes I will help her with it. I will go up tomorrow. The ony problem is that it is a PC and I am a Mac person but I might be able to help her out.
Amy's husband Lee getting suitcases ready to load in the car. I took them to the airport this afternoon.
Michael is living in Minnesota, Amy and Lee live in Dallas. They meet at their Grandmother's and Michael is the one who set her up with the computer. He played football for Iowa and he is a great muskie fisherman and all-around nice guy. As are they all. Jo is reading the print outs of my blogs. I am working on my fourth three ring notebook (three inch) and she can now read them on line.
Amy helping Jo with the computer. Amy works for Warren Buffet (although she has never met him) - she works selling air plane trips in private jets. She is responsible for 8 states. Amy, if I goofed up this you can correct me in the "comments" below

She doesn't look *^ does she? She has a cabin in Minnesota on Leech Lake and spends the summers up there. She is going to fly down to Dallas to spend some time at Amy and Lee's.

I stopped at the Gateway Market in Des Moines to get groceries. The stuff they sell there is so good and you can't buy some of it in the regular grocery store. I got out for under $70. Of course I only filled up two of my "green" grocery bags. I purchased cloth bags and am taking them with me to the grocery store when I get groceries. The other day I had them with me and they were right there ready to be packed and the sacker said "Paper or Plastic." It is force of habit but we all got a kick out of it. My friend Wayne taught me to say "Either one, I am bi-sacksual." and I got a kick out of saying that.

Jon was down at Iowa City looking the school over for Grad school. I hope he likes it and gets a good offer. Next weekend he goes to Miami University in Ohio. That place is 9 and a half hours away.

I am a little down right now but that is all right. I read an article from the Washington Post that says "Sadness may be good philosophy -- and better for you." I am not sure I agree with that. I get sad when I think about things that happened last summer and I wish that I could be closer to some people but I am not and I don't think they like me so I will just have to live with that. I am not the one who can "fix" things. Doubt that I will ever get over it.

I wish people would answer e-mails when I write them a question!

I think I am getting a damn cold. Shitty!
Always Remember That You Are Loved. Hugs, jcs

1 comment:

Dianne said...

My apologies to Cassie for leaving her out :)
I thought you had a cat then I talked myself into thinking you were just cat-sitting for a day or 2. I did remember Cassie from an older post.

The place where you're going to see Craig looks lovely. You will have such a great time!! Hug him for me.

Aunt Jo is beautiful. And how wonderful that everyone is helping her get on the Internets.