Jon has decided that I need a more interesting back yard. To that end he has convinced me to fork over some money so that he can build a Prairie in the corner of my yard.
I thought he was going to put it in the Northwest Corner but had decided on the Southwest corner.
Here he is on my wonderful screened in back porch (which is filthy and needs a hosing down before I use is. Notice the new red wheelbarrow.
I am sure it will get a work out. He is moving dirt and sod from it's original location to the North side of the yard.
Max is out there helping him dig and letting everyone in the neighborhood know something is going on. A bark collar is definitely going to be in his future.
When I taught school I had the students pick an "Improving the Environment" project to do and report on during the Month of April. They could do anything they wanted. Some picked up trash in their area. Others planted flowers, they were very creative. So I guess this is our "improve the environment" project. Way to go Jon!
I really don't have anything to write about today. I have some topics bopping around in my mind but I have not had them gel yet. I JUST FEEL GOOD ABOUT THINGS. I suppose I should worry about that. I kind of expect the other shoe to drop when things go along fine and I know that is dumb but I am one of those people who doesn't expect a lot of good to happen to me so when it does I am surprised. I am also surprised at just how much it means to me to have someone let me know that I am appreciated and that happened several times yesterday. So I will express my gratitude for my Brothers and the great time I had with them this week-end.
Speaking of expressing gratitude. Several times during the day yesterday we addressed the Deity. Ritualistic prayer is not designed for the Divine Auditory Nerve. I am sure the words spoke were mostly meant for us to remind us of things. Even though addressed to Deity they were meant for us to hear and carry with us. Except for one prayer. One of the candidates in the class was given an opportunity to speak. He had been the active candidate for that degree and he started his remarks with a prayer. It was not a prayer asking God to do something for us or to remind us of lessons. It was, rather, a simple prayer of gratitude. Thanking Deity for the blessings that are ours. It was heartfelt and it impressed our Master of Kadosh so much that when it was finished he told the candidate that it was one of the best prayers he had ever heard in a Masonic setting. (Now I am paraphrasing what Brian said but that is the gist of it.)
There is so much to ponder and think about in the Scottish Rite Degrees that I am sure I will be thinking about them for a long time to come. Of course I remembered a lot of it but every time you see a degree you think of something new or find new meaning in something old. For all of this I am grateful. ARTYAL, Hugs, j
much to comment on... I will just make a few short observations.
Lethargarian is such a cool word. I love it.
You don't know what filthy is if you think that porch is filthy... you have clearly led a dirt deprived life.
Cassie looks like an excellent supervisor.
If your nephew gets tired of Iowa, there are lots of projects for him in New York.
I'm a great believer in gratitude. I start and end my days with it and try to toss some into the middle too.
So much for a short comment. Nice photos. Hope we will get to see the finished project.
"I JUST FEEL GOOD ABOUT THINGS. I suppose I should worry about that."
that is so celtic! murphy's second law "if everything seems to be going well you have obviously overlooked something."
that said, i too have been feeling uncharacteristically optimistic in this new year. i just hope lucy isn't out there waiting to pull the football away at the very last second.
I was reading an article in Science News the other day about attempts to maintain native prairies. Apparently, in most attempts, some of the variety of native plants will outcompete the others and take over. After an immense amount of study, they determined that these plants that took over the native prairie plots were the very plants that were preferred for grazing by buffalo. Thus, the only way to maintain a true prairie with the right balance of native plants is to have continual grazing by buffalo. Oh yes, and an occasional fire as well to ensure clearing of the foliage and proper seed germination. So when do the new calves get delivered? Where is the fire break being installed? You do plan to do this correctly, dont you? And if so, I cannot wait to see the pictures. Do you need a zoning variance to have buffalo in Ames? How about open fires? Can you claim a tiny bit of native American ancestry so you can have the right to do this?
If your nephew is headed to Ravens he could stop in NJ :)
I love your screened in porch. We were going to do that with our carport before the renovating $$$ ran out.
I love these glimpses into your life, thanks for sharing.
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