Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I used to be on Facebook. In fact, my account is still out there somewhere waiting for reactivation (it will be a hell of a long wait.) I did not like it. If you cant' read my blog and comment or send me an e-mail you aren't interested and that is just fine with me. I did not like putting things up for every Tom, Dick, and Harry (Not to mention Susie, Harriet and Imogine) to read and then throw up (sometimes nasty) comments on my wall.

This morning I read a great column by Mark Morford - Notes & Errata
I Twitter for you!
Too old/busy/jaded to 'social network,' but still want to seem hip? Call now!

Here's how it works: After we receive your credit card info, you fill out a small mountain of lengthy, deeply personal, oddly phrased questionnaires about, well, every aspect of your life. Personal tastes, travel experiences, sexual hang-ups, irrational fears, childhood traumas, recent car troubles, gross bodily functions, marriage-destroying sports obsessions, weight issues, sexual fantasies about Obama, nightmares and medications and lingering, acidic resentments over old boyfriends, along with your seething hatred of rude cell phone users and people who eat stinky tuna on the bus.
The new company is called Geekamania and is something I am definitely considering recommending. Go look and then come back and tell me what you think.



Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Great satire.

I'm avoiding Facebook. It just doesn't interest me.

Dianne said...

I'm on Facebook - just as I'm on Myspace

I never visit either place
My nieces got me into it because they convinced me how we would stay in touch that way

of course that didn't last

I can't stand all the nonsense - nano second bits of human interaction

now I call my nieces and keep them on the phone lol

Anonymous said...

I find it personally offensive that you used my name first......"every Tom, Dick and Harry........."

I am considering suing to see that my name is taken out of that saying. I am talking to Jimmie Arnold who knows a lawyer that will take the case. Jimmie thinks I have a great chance of winning.

Tom* Dean
* No part of Tom, Dick and Harry

Ur-spo said...

I don't get Facebook either. I am quite content here in blog land thank you.