Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Running on Empty

The Republican's last week refused en masse to vote for Obama's stimulus package. There weren't enough tax cuts in it. I personally think that they are running on empty. Same old, same old republicans.

Tax cuts - It's been tried and it doesn't work. At least not by themselves. There needs to be something that will help someone other than corporations and wealthy people. It is the common person who is hurting.

Addendum here.

Stephen Colbert has commentary on the situation. Be sure to read the words in the side bar beside. him.


Kurt said...

It doesn't matter if Republicans don't vote for it. The Democrats still have the majority to pass it. So, what's the issue? Just vote on the damn thing and get it over with, instead of trying to point fingers.

I suspect that the only reason Democrats are playing this game is because they're not confident enough that their own party will all vote for it.

Anonymous said...

And the truth is, tax cuts DO work. Saying they don't over and over doesn't make them not work. said...

Not by themselves and they do nothing for the guy who is out of work and losing his home. The Republicans are "stuck" on the same old tire saw!

Kurt said...

This past election made the Republicans irrelevant. The Democrats are the only ones keeping the Republicans relevant!