Saturday, February 28, 2009

Muskrat and Impulsive Eagle

I went for a drive north of Boone about ten miles to a nice little marsh and wetland area, populated by lots of muskrat huts...and the critters themselves I assume. I saw what looked like a rock on the ice, but it moved! Sure enough it was one of those critters that DOES look like a giant rat, complete with the round and pointed rat tail (as in rat tail file!!) So while I was capturing a photo of this fella nibbling on some kind of food (maybe a clam...could not tell for sure), a lovely bald eagle swooped all around the frozen pond and came in for a perfect landing on the ice! I had not planned on sending Jay any more eagle photos for fear of "eagle saturation," but since these turned out quite well, I just could not keep them locked up in a file folder. I hope you can enjoy them.

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