Thursday, February 12, 2009

This Season's Ice Age Ends...

The glow of the impending sunset lit the flooded but serene waters of the Raccoon River, washing the trees with glows of red that brought them back to life prematurely. The large blocks of river ice many inches thick were dismssed to the shoreline, and occasionally were lifted up and strewn on the banks to sit there proudly until Mother Nature returned them to the soil. A large ice pan with its distictive shape and pallet of reflecting colors was quickly whisked by due to the fast moving current. Up close the large seemingly unattractive and dirty ice chunks were pieces of chrystalline beauty, delicately shaped by melting and freezing, adding their frozen beauty to the landscape. As if all this were not enough a short time later while driving home that same impending sunset, turned into a fireball as it slowly crept below the Iowa countryside

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