They went into two vases and here is one of them. They are so very nice. My friend Dorothy is in charge of this project every year. I enjoy getting the flowers and knowing that I am helping with a good cause.
Speaking of good causes - Ames York Rite has held a Pancake Day to benefit the Knights Templar Eye Foundation. the Royal Arch Research Assistance and the Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation. I met Kurt and Craig there for breakfast this morning. We had a great time and then went to Craig's house for a meeting. Below are some pictures of the Pancake Day.
I love daffodils. I miss them so.
I am reading a fictional thriller right now with hints of Masons historically mixed up with Illuminati. Apparently the pyramid on the dollar bill is something the Mason cooked up. Who knows when one reads fiction.
the flowers are beautiful! and look lovely where you've placed them - pretty vase
Was that the famous Bob Allen in one of your photos? He is about as rare as Sasqwatch!
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