Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jon - Max - The Ledges and Iowa Dirt

I have this good looking nephew (well except for the ball cap) and today he took his dog (what lives with me) over to the Ledges State Park south of Boone. They have gone there before. But Jon it is Iowa...the temperature is above freezing and you should expect that THERE WILL BE MUD! (Title for a movie perhaps)

So anyway he took his dog on the trails. The dog has more sense and tried to talk Jon out of it but my (intelligent) nephew wanted to have fun. So off they went.

He came back with his butt looking like this.
I just had my house cleaned Friday night. I had my carpet cleaned a week or so ago and he brought back this dog looking like this.
Isn't he sweet? I love Max. BUT NOT THE MUD.

Max didn't like it either. In the picture below he is licking the mud off from his legs. He is really very fastidious (except when it comes to chewing Kleeex) and so he is trying to clean himself off like a cat does. Now Jon's cat also lives with me and she does not lick herself clean like she is supposed to. Actually she smells at times and Jon has to use these "wipes" on her.
He said he had fun. He also told about sliding down the cliffs. Looking over a 40 foot embankment - taking a video with my old camera and saying something about leaving his cell phone in the car. The whole purpose of the cell phone (which I provide for him) is so that he can call if he has an emergency. Lying at the bottom of a 40 foot cliff with a broken leg or a concussion is not a good thing..The phone, Jon, should accompany you on these jaunts. What's an Uncle to do! Oh well, you are back and safe and I hope you are sore tomorrow. Isle of View - Hugs Uncle j=bear.


Dianne said...

I just wanna hug Max, mud and all!

I think Jon needs a cell phone clip to go with the cell phone :)

Raven said...

Very funny. Sweet puppy. Silly nephew. Just remember - complex as it is to be an uncle (or aunt as in my case), how scary/aggravating/wonderful must it be to be a parent! Yikes.

I'm impressed with anybody who can keep white carpet clean at all... and with pets. I'd go for dirt colored carpet myself but right now I am carpet free.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure he really is a dog. We had a Shih Tzuh who thought he was a cat. He was raised around a cat; he licked himself clean all the time; he was deathly afraid of our real dog, the Rottweiler.

Our current Rottie doesn't mind getting dirty. I think he relishes it. When it rains and forms muddy puddles in the yard, he will go STAND in them. Of course, that makes the mud deeper. He runs along the fence, and splashes mud on his belly. It takes several minutes to get him sufficiently clean to come back in the house, even with dirt colored carpet. Now, this is the same dog who REFUSES to get into, even to stand, in the little kids wading pool that I bought him to cool off with in the summer. Go figure.