Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Full of Sound and Fury

That Palin Woman seems to have to insert herself into every right wing controversy that there is on this planet.  It seems to me that the world would be a better place if she and those like her were to follow the Christ and His teachings.  Of course she would actually have to be accepting and loving to do so.

I was reminded of what Gandhi listed:  "Seven social sins: politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice."  He also said "A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes."

Why do we give people like her and her ilk any time or thought? I have no time for homophobes and haters in my life.  They are polluters and I prefer to avoid pollution.

Found this statement form a very wise woman on Facebook.  

1 comment:

Harpers Keeper said...

I was not familiar with that Gandhi quote. Thanks for sharing it.

As for the Palins; last year the local news reported that they had purchased a home here in the Phoenix area; not too far from ours. I keep thinking I'll bump into one of them the Dog Park... hasn't happened yet.