Saturday, April 7, 2007

“God is not a heavenly judge. God is a life force expanding inside humanity until that humanity becomes barrier free.”

John Shelby Spong has a new book our entitled “Jesus for the Non religious.” I just finished reading it. It is appropriate for the Easter season for it resurrects my faith and understanding of God and it brings Jesus back to life for me. Not as God but as the interpreter of God. I suggest you read the book. It concludes with this poem.


Look at him!
Look not at his divinity,
but look, rather, at his freedom.
Look not at the exaggerated tales of his power,
but look, rather, at his infinite capacity to give himself away.
Look not at the first-century mythology that surrounds him,
but look, rather, at his courage to be.
his ability to live, and
the contagious quality of his love.
Stop your frantic search!
Be still and know that this is God:
this love.
this freedom,
this life,
this being;
when you are accepted, accept yourself;
when you are forgiven, forgive yourself;
Grasp that Christpower
and dare to be

Spong says: “ The call of God through Jesus is a call to be fully human, to embrace insecurity without building protective fences, to accept the absence of peace of mind as a requirement of humanity. It is to see that God is the experience of life, love and peing who is met at the edges of an expanded humanity.”

I guarantee that if you read this book you will be challenged to think and you may even come away from the experience with a stronger understanding of the God experience.

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