Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day

Labor Day marks the end of summer and the beginning of fall. It was meant to commemorate the working man and became an official holiday in 1894. It is celebrated on the First Monday in September. Now I may have told you one thing you didn't know but there really isn't much else to say about it.

It is the day of the dog swim at Carr's Pool and the closing of the pool. The dogs enjoy that and I am sure the kids watching will also

Labor Day was always a "catch up" day for teachers. We had one or one and a half weeks with the kids and this four day week because of the Labor Day holiday gave us time to make sure the had a good handle on our new class and had begun to know the kids and their parents. It also messed up our schedules. It especially messed them up when we had the Ten-day schedules and all of the "special" (so-called) classes would switch the day of the week and we would have to revise our thinking and our plans. until the next holiday. I don't know who it was that thought up that "bright/wise" idea (must have been an administrator) but I never liked it.

The kids would finally realize that yes, they did have to go to school and no, it wasn't (by some miracle) going to be canceled for the year so they might as well make the best of it. So they would begin to work on their plans for their Halloween costumes. Yes, they started that early, even in sixth grade. They are good at finding other things to think about than classes and learning. I suppose it fosters creativity.

Then, or course, the Christian right got a hold of this innocuous little holiday and did their best to cancel it. I will never forget the disappointment of my nephew when the display he and his group had been working on for table decorations were not allowed to be finished or used when "some lady" (his words) made Mrs. Haggard (principal (but no pal)) cancel the Halloween decorations and parties because it was not "Christian." And this is a public school! Oh well she won her little victory, the kids were disappointed and it was one more nail in the coffin of my opinion of the "Christian" right (or wrong if you prefer).

Speaking of Jonathan - tomorrow is his 25th birthday. Feel free to send him a birthday e-mail.

We both have the same middle name. We used to drive our mothers (his and mine) with a little litany we said - What's your name? Then we'd give out names - "discover" that we had the same middle name and say "Wow, we must be related!" It would drive them both up the wall and we (or at least I) had fun doing that. Eventually he grew out of it. I never did. That is one of the advantage of having a child like (don't say childish) mind.

Have a great day today and don't labor too much. Speaking of Labor the kid next door has finally gotten a chain-saw and chopped down the lovely bushes on the south side of the yard. Privacy is gone but Max will be able to see more to bark about. Be loved. Hugs, j

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