Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fun (NOT)

I'm not going to report much about the last 24 hours but to say it was a fun day would not be a true statement.

Jon took me over and Aunt Jo spent part of her birthday picking me up after. It took longer than expected because (as most of you know) I was full of s*&t and had to drink a gallon of "stuff" to supplement the "damn stuff" I had already taken. Then I had to wait until it had done its job.

The nurses were nice. When I walked in one of them asked me if I had ever had it done before. My response of "God No!" gave them all a good laugh. One of them told me I had only postponed this for 15 years. Evidently you are supposed to have them when you are 50. I'll tell you this that if I have anything to say about it there will be another 15 years before I have another one done.

One nice note a parent of a couple of my former students was one of the nurses so I got to catch up on her kids. One f them has gone on to be a teacher. I always like to hear about my "kids."

I don't remember anything about the procedure itself except feeling like I was drunk after I woke up. I am so tired that I have fallen asleep twice typing this entry. The Dr. did say that everything was fine. They found one polyp and took it out. Unlike the picture above my brain was not found there. The boys were happy to see me come back. Take care, Hugs j-bear

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