Saturday, November 24, 2007


Why do men remain in Masonry? I have read statistics about the number of men leaving the fraternity and predictions about our future for years. Dire predictions. In fact, sometimes I am surprised that there is still a fraternity called Freemasonry around.

And yet, as Secretary of the Lodge, I receive check after check for dues from Brothers I have never met. Men who seldom darken our doors. Yes, some of them live too far away to attend Lodge but others of them live right here in town and never seem to come. And still they remain members of the Lodge.

I have read many things which Lodges can do to increase participation and get these Brothers involved again and sometimes we try them. All too often we just do the same old, same old. Business and initiation meetings with an occasional social event for families thrown in.

Some members (other than officers who are supposed to come) attend Lodge regularly. One member drives at least an hour each way from his home to attend Lodge and he is one of our regular attendees. Some members never attend and yet they pay dues and remain members.

What is it about Masonry that inspires such loyalty.

For years, as I was going through the "line" to become Master (my five minutes of fame) I was there every week. Then after I was through I became very busy with school things and as most school events were also on Lodge night I became one of the dues paying members who seldom attended.

Then an event happened in my life that changed me forever. My sister was in a car accident and broke her back. I developed diabetes and wound up in the hospital. I was in the hospital and was supposed to move to a new home (I had gotten to accommodate her wheelchair) and things were in a mess. A friend (who's children I had had the good fortune to teach) decided to organize some help. She knew I was a Mason. She called the Lodge and boy did the Brothers come through for me. They literally went to my old home, packed up everything and moved it to the new place. One of them came in and lowered the clothes rods in the closet so Ginny could reach them.

Not only that the Master-elect asked me to be his Chaplain and I accepted. I can never repay the Lodge for what it did for me. Besides the physical work they did they provided me with an emotional support that I did not know was available. Being active in Lodge (now two lodges (at least for now)) has been a life saver as I had to retire early and give up the major focus of my life. Teaching.

I was reminded of all of this when I read a response to a question on the Philalathes list. Someone asked Brother Jack Buta why he had remained a Mason when others were dropping out. His response: " Because they had become my family."

I know it is the same thing for me. Yes I have a blood family but I have a Masonic family which means as much to me as they do and I just want to express my gratitude for them. I can't say why others remain in Masonry but I suspect that the above is part of the reason. We call each other Brother for a reason. We are Brothers under the fatherhood of God. That is reason enough. Have a good day. Hugs, j

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